Monday, January 13, 2014

So Here Goes..................

I've contemplated starting a blog for a long time now.  I wonder if I really have anything worth saying, much less worth reading by others.  As 2014 starts, I am looking at this as a project for me.  I am a horrible procrastinator.  I also love to start things but rarely finish, unless it is a crochet project.  Then it gets done - especially if it is for someone else.  I am accepting this as a challenge to myself.  Can I keep up with this or will it fall by the wayside?  Hmmmm...........

I'll try to do this every week but I don't guarantee that it will happen.  Especially during my "busy" times of the year.  Every year during Spring Break, I train lifeguards at the Auburn Recreation District, where I am beginning my 6th year as a Head Lifeguard.  In March and in May, I will be doing the same class but on weekends only.  Mid-June through the first week in August, I am teaching 8 weeks of swim lessons.  Like I said, my "busy" times.  

I decided on the title "Reflections from the Middle" because I am now middle-aged and I seem to be doing a lot of reflecting these days.  Looking back on what I've learned and experienced, looking at where I am now and what is happening in our world today, and praying about what is going to happen in the future.  I thought it sounded rather clever.  

So here's to blogging.  Let's see if I can keep this up.  I'm not much for New Year's resolutions, but I will try to be faithful to this project and resolve to take this on with enthusiasm, some trepidation and a lot of prayer.   God bless you and  keep focused on Him in all things.   Let's see if I can practice what I preach.

I Thessalonians 5:18 - "In everything give thanks:  for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 

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